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How to Compile the Android Version

Android SDK: Min sdk version: 21 Target sdk version: 29 Target sdk tools: 29

Android NDK: 23.

Compile Android apk​

  1. First setup the development environment.
  2. Gradle (command line):
    • Specify environment variables. ANDROID_SDK and ANDROID_HOME are where Android studio places things:
    export ANDROID_SDK=/[your-path]/Android/sdk
    export ANDROID_NDK=/[your-path]/android-ndk-23
    export ANDROID_HOME=/[your-path]/Android/sdk
    • Compile with command line
    cd android/OsmAnd && ../gradlew assembleNightlyFreeLegacyFatDebug
  3. Android Studio:
    import android project and run module flavor `android.OsmAnd`
  4. You may use our debug.keystore to make builds compatible with the nightly build.

Gradle tasks / flavors​

Gradle task assembleNightlyFreeLegacyFatDebug will produce apk at android/OsmAnd/build/outputs/apk/ nightlyFreeLegacyFat/debug/OsmAnd-nightlyFree-legacy-fat-debug.apk. Task name assembleNightlyFreeLegacyFatDebug consists of :

  • assemble - standard task to build apk
  • nightlyFree - build flavor described below
  • legacy - legacy / opengl / opengldebug - defines whether produced apk will have native libraries to use opengl map rendering or not. More information in OsmAnd development plugin.
  • fat - fat (all native targets) / armv7 / arm64 / x86 / armonly - select which native libraries will be inside apk.
  • debug - debug / release - standard task

To build bundle you could use bundle${FLAVOR}LegacyFatRelease.

nightlyFreenet.osmand.devNightly free build that could be installed next to both of GPlay versions for testing and exploring needs
androidFullnet.osmand.plusFull OsmAnd~ version could be used for F-Droid builds. Doesn't use GooglePlay services.
amazonFreenet.osmandAmazon OsmAnd - doesn't use GooglePlay services
amazonFullnet.osmand.plusAmazon OsmAnd+ - doesn't use GooglePlay services
gplayFreenet.osmandGoogle Play OsmAnd version - uses GooglePlay services.
gplayFullnet.osmand.plusGoogle Play OsmAnd+ version - uses GooglePlay services.
huaweinet.osmandSpecial build for Huawei market - uses Huawei services but not Google Play


Enable NDK debug for legacy native library (OsmAnd-core-legacy)​

In OsmAnd/OsmAnd/jni/ uncomment lines

APP_OPTIM := debug
APP_DEBUG := true

Add debug symbols in the Android Studio project configuration. For this go to Edit Configuration / in the left menu select Android App "OsmAnd" / in right side select tab "Debugger". And add OsmAnd/obj/local where build libraries for different configuration (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64).

Compile OpenGL library​

Opengl library is needed for targets like assembleNightlyFreeOpenglFatDebug and by default downloaded from OsmAnd ivy repository - gradle task. For local development you might need to compile those library and publish to local ivy repo.

  1. First setup the development environment, see {% link /setup-the-dev-environment %}.
  2. Install tools.
    • Android SDK - 29.
    • Android NDK - 23.
    • CMake > 3.6 (cmake -version).
    • SWIG - 4.1.1 (or compatible).
    • Local c++ compiler (preferrable clang).
    • Bash tools: wget, curl, python ...
  3. Gradle (command line):
    • Specify environment variables. ANDROID_SDK and ANDROID_HOME are where Android studio places things:
    export ANDROID_SDK=/[your-path]/Android/sdk
    export ANDROID_NDK=/[your-path]/android-ndk-23
    export ANDROID_HOME=/[your-path]/Android/sdk
    cd core/wrappers/android && ../gradlew build

Hint: Compilation might take a long time and you will likely don't need all platforms, so you can comment out unwanted arch in the script and build only for 1 platform (x86, x86_64, arm, arm64) debug or relelease.


To be completed: how to set up Android ndk debug.

Compile API samples​

🚧 This article is incomplete

This article is incomplete & needs to be reviewed. You can help by creating a pull request.

There are 2 types of samples apps provided by OsmAnd, they are all represented in osmand-api-demo Github repo and compiled regularly at OsmAnd Builder.

Compile script:

(cd OsmAnd-api-sample && ./gradlew clean assembleRelease)
(cd OsmAnd-map-sample && ./gradlew clean assembleRelease)

Read more.