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Manage Tracks

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Manage tracks​

After recording and saving, tracks can be managed as follows:

  • In My Places, you can view all GPX data that has ever been recorded.
  • In Configure map, select a specific track and display it on the map.
  • With the Context menu of the track on the map, so that to adjust the appearance, to update points on the route, to view segments, to start navigation along the track/segment, and/or other options.

View all tracks​

Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks tab

My Places with tracks in Android

All tracks ever recorded, created or imported are automatically displayed in the My Places folder in the Tracks tab. They are organised by folder or displayed in a list below them.

Folder menu​

import multitrack

To open the folder menu, you need to:

  • Android - tap the three-dots menu in the field with the required folder.
  • iOS - to make a long-tap the field of the folder.


  • Name. Displays the selected folder name, creation date and the number of tracks it contains.
  • Show all tracks on the map (Android only). Shows all tracks in the folder on the map. It is not recommended, if there are a lot of tracks, the device may freeze.
  • Edit name (Android) / Rename (iOS). Changing the folder name.
  • Change default appearance (Android) / Appearance (iOS). You can change the appearance of all tracks in a folder.
  • Export. You go to the Menu β†’ Settings β†’ Actions tab, where you can export all the tracks in the folder as an OSF file.
  • Move. You can move the selected folder to another existing folder or create a new one.
  • Delete folder. Allow you to delete a folder. A warning message will appear on the display. The deletion will be irreversible.

Delete folder​

Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks tab

My Places with tracks in Android

You can delete a folder with all the tracks it contains. To do this:

  • Tap the three-dot menu of the folder you want to delete.
  • At the bottom of the menu, find the Delete Folder option.
  • NOTE that this action is irreversible.

Folder statistics (Android)​

Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks tab

My Places with tracks in Android

At the bottom of the list in the Tracks tab, and below the list of tracks in each of your folders, there is an information section that allows you to view the overall summary statistics for the tracks in the selected folder. All values are displayed in the units you have selected.

  • Number of Tracks in the folder. Displays the number of tracks contained in the selected folder.
  • Total sum of Distances. The total length of all tracks in the selected folder, measured in in the units you have selected, is displayed.
  • Sum of Uphills. The data indicates the total vertical rise across all tracks in the selected folder.
  • Sum of Downhills. This parameter is the sum of vertical descents on all tracks in the selected folder.
  • Sum of Duration time. This displays the total time taken to complete all tracks in the selected folder.
  • Total Size of downloaded files in MB. Total downloaded file size in megabytes shows how much space all tracks in the selected folder take up on your device.

Single track menu​

Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks tab

My Places with tracks in Android

Each track, like folders, has its menu. To open it:

  • Android - tap the three-dots menu in the field with the required track.
  • iOS - long-tap the required track in the list.

Menu with actions:

  • Show on map. Displays selected tracks on the map to provide a visual representation of their location.
  • Appearance (iOS only). You can choose the appearance of tracks.
  • Navigation (iOS only). Starts navigation on the selected track.
  • Analyze on map (Android) / Analyze (iOS). Opens the Analyse on map tool in Route Details.
  • Share. Allows you to share the selected track.
  • Upload modifications to OSM (iOS only). You can upload the changes you have created to OpenStreetMap.
  • Edit (iOS only). This item allows you to make changes to the track using the Plan a route tool.
  • Duplicate (iOS only). Allows you to create a copy of the selected track.
  • Rename. Item to change the name of the selected track.
  • Move. Gives you the ability to move the selected track to a specified folder.
  • Export (Android only). You will go to Menu β†’ Settings β†’ Actions tab, where you can export all tracks from the folder.
  • Delete. Deletes the selected track that you do not need.

Configure map​

Menu β†’ Configure map β†’ Show β†’ Tracks

Tracks and Routes Tracks and Routes

  1. Actions.
  • Search. Opens the track name search screen with a list of all existing tracks and the ability to sort them.
  • Cancel. Closes the Search without applying the changes.
  • Import. Opens a list of files on your device for importing tracks. In Android, it is located in the three-dot menu.
  • Change appearance (Android only, located in the three-dot menu). Goes to the option of customising the appearance of the selected tracks.
  • Switch folder (Android only). You can select the required folder from the list, which is especially convenient if there are many folders.
  1. Sort for tracks

Menu β†’ Configure map β†’ Show β†’ Tracks

My places tracks sort function Android

Provides convenient track sorting.
For iOS, the sorting list in this section is the same as for Android.

Show tracks on map​

Tracks are a separate data layer that can be shown or hidden using the appropriate option in the Configure map menu or My Places menu. In addition, tapping Tracks item opens the track selection screen, allowing you to choose which track or multiple tracks to display on the map.

To display a track for a specific profile on the map, you can:

  1. Open Configure map and select Tracks. Then check the required track.
    You can hide one or more tracks by deselecting them, or hide them all at once by switching off the Tracks option in the Configure map menu: Menu β†’ Configure Map β†’ Tracks.

  2. Open the My Places menu and then Tracks. The Visible folder displays the tracks already selected.
    In the Rec, Import and other folders, you can select one or more tracks to display on the map by tapping Show on map in the Folder or Track menu. Go to: Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks tab.

  3. Tap the selected track, and in the Tracks context menu using the Show / Hide button you can enable or disable the display of the track on the map.

Open tracks menu​

Tracks and Routes Tracks and Routes

Places from which tracks can be opened.

With the various tools provided by OsmAnd, you can open the entire track list and track folders on your device.

Options of Tracks context menu​

Context menu of a track in Android

When a track is displayed on the map, a context menu appears when you tap it. For detailed information about each available option, see the Tracks Context menu article.

  • Basic information showing distance, ascent and descent sections, descriptions and quick action buttons such as whether to show the track on the map, its appearance, points and whether to place the track for navigation.
  • Graphs for analysing of altitude and speed.
  • Tab to view and update points and waypoints.
  • Other options: appearance, analysis of split intervals, sharing, editing, renaming, and more.

When you tap a track directly on the map, the track context menu appears, where you can see a basic overview of the track as well as a more analytical data for investigating the route and making adjustments to points and waypoints, if necessary. You can also edit a track using the Plan route tool. From the context menu, open a track in this tool and edit it: delete or add points, cut the track before or after a certain point.

Change folder​

More options in Android Change folder in Android

All recorded tracks are stored in My Places, the only place to store them. As you move tracks around, they are moved between folders in My Places. As soon as a new track is created, it is automatically saved in the default My Places folder, which is the same for all new tracks, but you can then move tracks to any other convenient folder.

You can change the folder for tracks not only using the Folder or Single track menu, but also move tracks with an option in the track context menu.

  • Open the Context menu for a track on the map in one of the following ways:
    • Tap a track in the My Places β†’ Tracks tab. The map opens with the Track context menu.
    • Tap the track directly on the map.
      In either case, make sure the track is visible on the map.
  • Tap Options (Android) / Actions (iOS).
  • In the Options list that opens, tap Change folder.
  • Select the folder to which you want to move the track.

Tracks menu​

Menu β†’ My Places β†’ Tracks

My places tracks Android

The Tracks tab provides several types of menus for related actions and settings.

My places tracks seaching function Android

Tap the πŸ” button at the top of the device screen to open the track list sorting menu.


  • Search by track name.
  • Sort by for better search if you can't remember the title.
  • Filter (Android only) if you need the specific characteristics of the track.

Three-dot menu​

My places tracks sort function Android

  • Select (Android only). This menu item allows you to select the folders and routes you need to manage them further.

  • Sort subfolder (Android only). The selected sort order on the Tracks tab applies to all levels of subfolders and tracks.

  • Add folder. If you need to organize your routes and tracks into logical categories, the app provides the ability to quickly create a new folder and name it. This helps to structure your navigation information.

  • Add smart folder (Android only). This is a tool for automating data organization. Folders automatically sort routes and tracks according to specified criteria.

  • Import. If you have tracks you want to add to OsmAnd, you can use the import function to upload files from your device.

Selection mode​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

My places tracks sort function Android

The Select menu item provides options for managing folders and tracks. This feature allows you to select multiple tracks or track folders. You can also select all tracks and folders by tapping the special Select All button at the top of the screen.

Once you have made your choice, the following steps are provided:

  • Show on map. With this feature you can display the selected tracks on the map to better understand their location and relationship to each other.

  • Share. If you want to share selected data with other users or save it to a cloud service, the Share feature allows you to send tracks and folders using different sharing methods.

  • Upload to OpenStreetMap. You can submit selected tracks to OpenStreetMap, contributing to the development and improvement of the data.

  • Move. You can organize your data by moving selected tracks and folders to other folders.

  • Change appearance. This option allows you to customize the appearance of selected tracks, making them more visible and recognizable on the map.

  • Delete. If the selected tracks or folders are no longer needed, the Delete function allows you to delete them, with the app providing confirmation options to avoid accidental deletion.

Sort by​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

My places tracks sort function Android

OsmAnd provides a convenient option to sort tracks. This is especially useful if you have a lot of them or if you are searching by certain features.
Tap the Sort by button at the top of the list to open the track list sorting menu tool.

Sort menu:

  • Nearest. Shows tracks that are close to your location.
  • Last modified. The tracks in the list are sorted by which ones have been changed recently.
  • Name: A - Z. Sorting tracks in the list by name from A to Z.
  • Name: Z – A. Sorting tracks in the list by name from Z to A.
  • Newest date first. The tracks in the list are sorted by the date they were created. The newest ones first.
  • Oldest date first. The tracks in the list are displayed so that the oldest created tracks are at the beginning.
  • Longest distance first. The tracks are sorted so that the longest by distance are at the top of the list.
  • Shortest distance first. At the top of the list are the shortest tracks.
  • Longest duration first. Tracks are sorted so that the ones that took the longest are listed first.
  • Shorted duration first. At the top of the list are the tracks that took the least amount of time to complete.

In iOS, you can use sorting using Menu β†’ Configure Map β†’ Tracks.

Import / Export track​


There are two primary methods for importing a track file into OsmAnd:

  1. Direct File Import.

    • You can import a track by directly tapping a GPX, KML or KMZ file. This can be done from various sources such as messaging applications, email, Google Drive or file managers. When tapped, the file is suggested to open in the OsmAnd app. Once imported, the track is saved in the Import folder in the My Places menu. The process is as follows: Tap the required GPX file and then open it in the OsmAnd app.
  2. Import using the My Places menu.

    • Tracks can also be imported through the My Places menu in the OsmAnd app. Navigate to this menu and select the Tracks option to import your GPX files. Additionally:
      • For single-track GPX files, select the file to import as is.
      • For multi-track GPX files, you have the option to save as a single GPX track or select specific tracks for import.
  3. Tracks manually added to the OsmAnd folder on your device are automatically imported without the need to restart the application.


import multitrack import multitrack

There are several ways to export one or more track files to any messenger, email, file managers, Drive or app.

  1. By Track Context menu β†’ Share.
  2. By My Places menu β†’ Tracks β†’ Folfer / Track menu.
  3. By Local backup file. Exporting GPX-tracks as OSF-file.

Export GPX file to an external storage device (iOS)​

Export with Context menu in iOS

To export a GPX file to an external storage, do the following:

  • Open the Context menu of a track on the map in one of the following ways:
    • By tapping a track in My Places, the map shows up with the context menu opened for the track.
    • By tapping a track directly on the map.
      In any case, make certain the track is visible on the map.
  • Tap Export.
  • Select the desired storage for exporting the GPX file.